Solution Overview
Organization Profile
Dragonfly Collections, a charming,
high-end shop in Chicago’s Lakeview
area, sells exotic furnishings and
decorative accessories from more than 40
countries to designers, decorators, and
walk-in clientele.
Business Situation
QuickSell 2000 served the owner well and
aided five years of expansion. But
credit card transactions sometimes
bogged, and it became clear that aging
hardware and software should be updated.
Owner Amy Boone trusted Merchants
Solutions to replace the old system with
modern Microsoft® Point of Sale, new
computers, a touch screen, and other
modern retail peripherals.
- |
Easy staff transition to similar
screens |
- |
Smooth data transfer from
Microsoft Access 97 |
- |
Exact items sold shown in daily
reports |
- |
Precise monthly, quarterly,
yearly reports |
- |
Faster sales using touch
screens, on-screen sales
functions, and scanners |
- |
Pioneer POS retail-specific
computer |
- |
tower PC |
- |
Elo TouchSystems 15" LCD touch
screen |
- |
Acer 17" LCD monitor |
- |
MagTek magnetic stripe reader |
- |
Cherry keyboard |
- |
Epson DM-D110 pole display |
- |
MultiPRO 320 cash drawer |
- |
Symbol LS 2208 handheld scanner |
- |
VeriFone 1000SE pin pad |
- |
Epson TM-T88III thermal receipt
printer |
- |
Netgear DSL router |
Software and Services
- |
Microsoft Dynamics POS |
- |
Office XP |
- |
Microsoft Windows XP Professional |
Vertical Industries

Gift and Furnishings Shop Gets Fast
Lines, Tight Reports Yet Keeps Personal
Collections opened its doors in 1999 using a
QuickSell 2000 retail system. Sales boomed
and space doubled. But older hardware and
software sometimes kept valuable customers
waiting while staff rebooted the computer.
Dragonfly management trusted Merchants
Solutions, a Microsoft® Certified Business
Solutions Partner, to install Microsoft
Point of Sale, other Microsoft productivity
tools, and new hardware in the front of the
store and in the back office. Lines of
customers now move even faster with
“essentially 100 percent uptime” for credit
card transactions. Owner Amy Boone sees
daily reports detailing brands and designs
sold. Customer purchase histories tell her
who likes African, South American, or Asian
furnishings. She suggests every new retailer
should work a management system into their
initial budget.
Dragonfly Collections
nestles north of Chicago’s Loop in the
diverse and bustling Lakeview district. Its
2,200 square-foot showroom treats eyes and
sensibilities to colorful and exotic
furniture, accessories, wedding cabinets,
trunks, rugs, pillows, textiles, fine
candles, ceramics, and distinctive jewelry
including antique brooches.
I need all possible
hours and minutes for the esthetic, marketing, and customer sides of my
business. But if all your records aren’t accurate and up-to-date, pretty soon
you don’t have a business! |
Amy Boone Owner, Dragonfly Collections |
Owner and professional
stylist Amy Boone exemplifies the store motto—“Fusion decor for
people with a well-traveled imagination”—in her merchandising of
thousands of items from 40 countries including Morocco, India,
Kenya, Thailand, Nepal, Myanmar, China, Peru, and Honduras.
“People really respond to the way we display our merchandise,” she
says. “They see high-end, eclectic furniture displayed with
textiles, Buddha statues, African artifacts, Moroccan lanterns, and
candles as they’d look in the living room they’re planning.
Dragonfly is a source of ideas as much as it is a store.” Boone
sells almost 25 percent of store merchandise to decorators and
designers, who receive 20 percent discounts. Retail customers, from
adventurous passersby, to well-known Hollywood personalities and
members of famous political families—perhaps sent in by their
designers—are always welcome and are buzzed in. “We have a guest
registry where we capture names of visitors for database marketing,
such as postcard mailings three or four times a year.”
Boone advises customers and often assembles impromptu merchandise
combinations on the spot to resolve decorating dilemmas. “Once I
know someone, I’ll show them our well kept 1,200-foot
warehouse—maybe even our basement.” She may consult in a customer’s
home, sometimes charging for her expertise.
Boone and six staff keep the register busy Tuesday through Sunday
thanks to devoted word-of-mouth fans and repeat customers. Cable
television advertising, listings in upscale shopping guides, and
Dragonfly’s frequent donations to local charity events have helped
create broad awareness of the shop. Dragonfly has also been
mentioned on national television, supplying decorative accessories
for a famous talk show home makeover. These strategies helped
Dragonfly double its space to include an upstairs gallery whose
sweeping staircase once led to a high-fashion photography studio
during the 1920s and 1930s.
When Dragonfly opened in September 1999, its tracking of store
inventory, tenders, receipts, customers, and purchasing came easier
than for most first-time retailers. “We opened our doors using
QuickSell 2000,” says Boone. QuickSell 2000 was the predecessor
retail management system to Microsoft® Point of Sale.

African artifacts
include a pygmy hat of feathers and other authentic objects that add
excitement to any home decor
Boone’s father, John Furr, a Chicago advertising executive, had
tapped Merchants Solutions to install and configure QuickSell 2000.
Furr says he was immediately comfortable with Merchants Solutions’
straightforward, helpful approach. Boone says the decision to
automate early helped her focus on core strengths: innovative
purchasing, creative merchandising, and deep customer involvement.
“Keeping my merchandise fresh, keeping it unique among all of
Chicago’s shops, yet staying within the realm of what people
natively like and are comfortable living with— and then displaying
it smartly—is my constant mission,” says Boone. “I need all possible
hours and minutes for the esthetic, marketing, and customer sides of
my business. But if all your records aren’t accurate and up-to-date,
pretty soon you don’t have a business! It’s like an ensemble. You
can’t leave anything out; you can’t overdo any of the parts.”
But QuickSell 2000 technology was several years old, and the early
computer hardware and peripherals were showing their age.
“Functionally, it worked well enough,” says Furr, “but we saw it
falling behind the curve, technically. We didn’t want to chance that
a major technical shift might make conversion harder in the future.”
“If our old hardware broke,” says Boone, “fixing it would be
expensive and a bad investment. If it got a software glitch, finding
consultants for old programs is hard. We could be down for days. Why
jeopardize your business like that?”
At one point, the keyboard of the highly integrated previous system
malfunctioned, making QuickSell difficult to use. Function keys,
which sped sales and product lookups, went down. Staff was
frustrated and customers waited longer than was comfortable.
If our old hardware
broke, fixing it would be expensive and a bad investment. If it got a software
glitch, finding consultants for old programs is hard. We could be down for days.
Why jeopardize your business like that? |
Amy Boone Owner, Dragonfly Collections |
“When Merchants
Solutions mentioned a Microsoft Point of Sale/Pioneer retail bundle
with scanner and touch screen, we jumped at it.”
Reminiscent of Boone’s eclectic arrangements, Dragonfly’s Microsoft
Point of Sale system comfortably integrates an opportunistic mix of
proven retail-specific hardware: a Pioneer PC, Elo TouchSystems
screen, MagTek card swipe, Cherry keyboard, APC cash drawer, Symbol
scanner, and Epson printer and pole display. “They work beautifully
together,” observes Boone, “and they’re a far neater and more
businesslike look than we had before.”
To skirt laborious data reentry associated with system conversions,
Merchants Solutions transferred the QuickSell database into
Microsoft Point of Sale. “Merchants Solutions has been great with
their support, seeing our needs, clarifying steps, and helping us
get good use out of the new system,” Boone says. Dragonfly used
existing network cabling and still uses a reliable printer from its
QuickSell system.
Microsoft Point of Sale integrates credit card processing into new
hardware and software, automatically reconciling Paymentech credit
card sales into the day’s receipts, saving both time and space. The
new system installed smoothly and the cutting-edge retail technology
went live in February 2005.
Today, new technology speeds sales and tracks perennial and
one-of-a-kind inventory using a quick and intuitive touch screen
that replaces keyboard function keys. Dragonfly says another
positive is the ability to receive support from its partner and

This arrangement
displays an antique Tibetan cabinet, superb Coptic cross, colorful
Zulu hat
But Boone protects the warmth and personal atmosphere of her
business. Although label printing could be easily accomplished using
Microsoft Point of Sale wizards and an inexpensive printer, she
prefers and retains the charm of neatly handwritten labels that also
describe the origins of each item.
“The advantages of Microsoft Point of Sale aren’t well explained by
adding up what each part saves you. They’re in the whole system,
every step of your day. It’s a significant improvement over
QuickSell 2000,” says Boone, “primarily in its more robust
“We use Microsoft POS for all our periodic reports on merchandise,
receipts, fast and slow sellers, and reports on taxable and
nontaxable sales. It’s very comprehensive and presents business
facts the way I want to see them. If I’m talking to specific vendors
tomorrow, instead of running a report on all candles or jewelry
sold, as I used to, now I can run one just on Vance Kitira, Votivo,
Seda France candles, or Liz Palacios jewelry, to see which designs
to reorder.
“My most useful management tool is detailed sales reports. They tell
me we sold, say, 30 pillows, but maybe only two African items. That
alerts me to order pillows and hold off on Africana till we lower
stock levels.”
“When the old credit card modem line went down,” says Boone, “which
it might do in the middle of a holiday rush or any other time, we
had to reboot the computer while we wrote credit card data manually.
No one was happy about that, and it opened the door to potential
Replacing our
dial-up credit card line with integrated processing over a DSL line saves time
on every sale and keeps customers happier…. We have essentially 100 percent
uptime. |
Amy Boone Owner, Dragonfly Collections |
“Replacing our dial-up
credit card line with integrated processing over a DSL line saves
time on every sale and keeps customers happier because it doesn’t
drop calls or go down. We have essentially 100 percent uptime.”
The learning curve was fast because Boone and her associates found
the new point-of-sale (POS) screens intuitive and very similar to
the QuickSell screens they had learned previously.
Staff use the Transactions on Hold feature so shoppers can bring
items to the register and leave them, then continue shopping.
Associates can switch back and forth among several transactions on
hold, adding to each one as customers bring new items. Then final
checkouts can take just seconds.
Merchants Solutions customized touchable on-screen POS buttons. Each
one delivers in a few seconds what could be a minutes-long search or
delay without Microsoft Point of Sale: items by number, items by
description, designer discounts, add item comments, return with
receipt, cancel sale, and find a transaction. Staff can also omit
sales tax for designers.
“You never have to touch the store calculator again,” says Boone.
“During the transaction,” explains Boone, “every item is instantly
subtracted from inventory. You never transfer notes from a Post-it
to a tablet to a sales slip or purchase order. You don’t even
hand-copy columns from one computer program to another. It’s all
done for you.
“Then, like a bonus, all your customers are in your database. You’re
not reentering them the second, third, and fourth times they buy
from you. Every record, new or old, is clearly stated, so if a
designer says he didn’t get his usual discount, you can see his
purchases seconds after you know who’s calling.”
Boone empathizes with retailers who work without Microsoft Point of
Sale. “Doing inventory must be really hard. Who keeps stock levels
current? And how many hundreds of hours did that take all year? What
if records aren’t current? You’d have no way to know what sold and
what’s old. When I do inventory, I know right away if there’s a
discrepancy between actual on-hand and what should be here. And I
know my amounts received and sold are accurate.”
So Boone suggests no retail shop should open without a reliable and
easy-to-learn retail management system. “Find a way to work a good
retail management system into your opening budget along with
inventory, rent, and staff. Microsoft Point of Sale can automate and
speed up nearly every customer-facing and back-office task.”

accessories from India, Bali, and beyond are displayed in the
dramatic Casbah Pavilion