Solution Overview
Organization Profile
By the end of its third year, Kuhlman
Co. will have 58 "small-box" stores in
18 states and Washington, D.C., selling
modern clothing and accessories for men
and women.
Business Situation
A basic information system only
connected ten stores and required layers
of pasted-up spreadsheets to get
financial statistics. Reports were late
and inaccurate.
Executives tested three name-brand IT
systems in-house. Microsoft® Retail
Management System with Microsoft
Business Solutions–Great Plains®
integrated all data and proved easy to
use at all levels.
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Executives make far-reaching
decisions on customized reports,
ready in minutes. |
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New cash comes in from
“charge-and-send” sales, and
global customer base. |
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Complex reconciliations once
took days but now take hours or
minutes. |
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End-of-day closings take “zero”
time. |
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Generic servers and personal
computers |
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Cherry MultiBoard 8000
relegendable keyboards with
integrated magnetic stripe
readers |
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Metrologic Microsoft MS9540CG
Voyager scanners |
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Epson TM-T88III receipt printers |
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APG 4000 cash drawers |
Software and Services
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Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 |
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Microsoft Dynamics RMS |
- |
Microsoft Windows XP
Professional |
Vertical Industries

Expanding Clothing Chain Pins Down Sales,
Trims Tasks, and Adds Instant Reports
13,000 men’s and women’s clothing and
accessory items from a growing chain of 40
stores across the United States had burst
the seams of Kuhlman Company’s first
information technology solution. Busy store
staff and managers were often late reporting
their hours, sales, inventory, and requests
for transferred merchandise. Business
Microvar Inc., a Microsoft® Certified
Partner, installed Microsoft Retail
Management System and Microsoft Business
Solutions–Great Plains®. Today, chain-wide
knowledge is immediate. Stores’ closing
reports are automatic, complete, and
available in seconds. Sales and customer
data slides into Microsoft Great Plains
software, and accounting tasks that were
once complex and time-consuming are now
finished in minutes with much higher
accuracy. Standard and customized reports
guide decisions with facts, not guesses.
Company, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota,
opened its first store in June 2003. Two
years later, the company had grown to 34
stores and its stock was trading over the
counter. By year end, store count will reach
58 in 18 states and Washington, D.C.
Because Kuhlman stores’ “small-box” floor
plans encompass 500 to 2,000 square feet,
smart merchandising is paramount. Tasks and
steps must stay lean. Yet, Kuhlman’s complex
overall business model includes purchasing
raw and finished goods from United States
and European vendors, sewing most items,
selling private-label merchandise to other
retailers, and a high reliance on in-store
The chain sells more than 13,000 items of
“Uniquely tailored Anglo-Italian apparel” of
“Uncompromising quality at an uncommon
value,” in the words of the company Web
site. Stock includes men’s suits, blazers,
pants, shirts, and accessories—while
dedicating six stores to an equal assortment
of women’s fashions and accessories.
But tracking receipts, customer records and
purchases, inventory levels, transfers, plus
hours and commissions for 150 employees, was
unraveling the company’s basic information
technology (IT) system.
Scott Kuhlman, Chief Executive Officer,
comments, “In this business, fast and
accurate information can effect positive
changes—or vice versa, and we could not get
timely reports from the old system.”
Jon Gangelhoff, Chief Financial Officer,
describes his own big-picture frustrations
with the earlier system: “We couldn’t
connect more than ten stores with our
makeshift system of Intuit QuickBooks Point
of Sale and hierarchies of spreadsheets
created with Microsoft® Excel® [spreadsheet
software]. It gave us 'islands' of
information. Gathering data entailed manual
processes and e-mails from each store. Local
data was combined into regional
spreadsheets, then finally into national
workbooks. Human factors often made these
late or incomplete. Our smartest people were
hamstrung by fragmented data.”
Kuhlman’s first information system wasted
staff’s time in dozens of labor-intensive
tasks. Jocelyn Puegner, Business Analyst in
charge of retail operations, details a few
typical difficulties facing retailers who
outgrow a basic IT solution. “End-of-month
physical inventory adjustments only resided
in each store’s computers, so we had to
trust that each location was diligently
sending us their total adjustments. But we
soon learned some sites were losing
inventory almost daily, yet we saw no
records of it. Then, when some stores missed
our download of new merchandise into
QuickBooks POS, we had a huge mess. Overall,
we couldn’t put our costs into QuickBooks
POS because they could be displayed at
stores. Furthermore, we weren't able lock
down specific functions or assign security
Barbara Langdon, Director of Cash
Management, describes the layers of
complications she dealt with when growth
exceeded the capacity of the entry-level
system. “Since 90 percent of our business is
credit card receipts, I had to reconcile
stores’ daily bank statements against daily
totals from each card, then post these to
the general ledger, debiting cash and
crediting an account for sales receivables.
I then debited this account by creating
dummy invoices for each sale by store to get
a monthly total.
“Balancing this receivables account against
what was actually sold but not paid was
very, very time-consuming because there were
so many unknowns and variables. We were
never sure inventory and profit were
correct—or even close, yet the process used
up at least four full days each month.
“I also ensure all cash is deposited, which
required getting copies of each store’s cash
tender reports to match deposits—and I lost
time repeatedly requesting reports from busy
store managers with problems of their own.
This took at least another two to four hours
a week.”
Langdon’s other responsibility as payroll
manager required calling to remind employees
to turn in hours and waiting for time cards
to be e-mailed or faxed. “Then we hoped they
were accurate, because we had no way to
verify hours worked.”
“We looked at the entire retail system
marketplace,” says Kuhlman. “Then we had
three vendors set up in-office demos that we
worked with for weeks. Microsoft kept having
a solution for everything we threw at the
system, whereas other systems gave us
problems we didn’t want to live with.”
investigator Gangelhoff says, “We had to
find a solution that was easy and fast at
the registers, so it would enrich each
customer’s shopping experience. Yet it had
to give us sophisticated management tools so
we could get fast-selling merchandise on
shelves immediately.
Microsoft Retail Management System met the
specifications and offered integration with
Microsoft Business Solutions–Great Plains®
software. “Two vendor finalists had written
programs to transfer their sales data into
Great Plains,” Gangelhoff recalls. “There
was no comparison. The other solutions
weren’t intuitive or easy to use. But the
president’s eight- and ten-year-old
daughters were soon ringing up sales on our
Microsoft demo system.”
Kuhlman and Gangelhoff judged the reporting
capabilities superior in the Microsoft
Microsoft Certified Partner Business
Microvar Inc. (BMI) provided the winning
software and enterprise solution. Founded in
1985, award-winning BMI specializes in
enterprise solutions using Microsoft Great
Plains, Microsoft Retail Management System,
and Microsoft CRM. To ensure system
usability, BMI’s five offices provide
implementation consulting, training,
development, and support.
During April and early June 2005,
particularly hectic months when Kuhlman was
adding many stores and going public, BMI
installed the all-Microsoft solution. Says
Kuhlman, “From what I saw, this installation
was fantastic.”
Gangelhoff rates the conversion “...a most
remarkable accomplishment. We were in the
thick of everything—I had a very busy travel
schedule during the store conversion. Our
first wave was converting 33 systems in 16
states from QuickBooks POS. When I got back
to the office four weeks later, they were
totally done.”
Langdon sets the entire conversion,
including installing and integration with
Microsoft Great Plains, at less than three
months. She says, “It was accomplished with
minimal problems and errors, considering our
accelerated conversion demands.”
Puegner credits BMI. “They handled the
initial install and syncing up the Microsoft
Retail Management System. We continue to add
stores and fine-tune systems. As we grow,
the ‘store template’ that BMI made lets us
tweak anything we like for all future
stores. We also have two test systems we use
to check out new procedures and train
Scott Thelen, Account Executive at BMI, says
that part of his team’s tasks were to
provide tools to measure and improve
Kuhlman’s most crucial metrics: inventory
turnover and sell-through. Accordingly, BMI
developed 10 specialized reports to help
analyze those crucial barometers from
different points of view, and another 10 for
other company-specific tasks.
site runs Microsoft Retail Management System
Store Operations, the store-level solution
that helps manage even very large stores. It
can also help integrate single stores into
an enterprise. Store Operations feeds data
into Microsoft Retail Management System
Headquarters, the enterprise-level retail
solution whose reporting collects and
presents data in store, regional, or
enterprise formats. Headquarters’ familiar
spreadsheet format helps disseminate
corporate updates, such as price changes,
discount periods, between-store transfers,
and new merchandise, down to individual
stores, nationwide departments or
categories, as well as store groups,
regions, or the entire chain.
Kuhlman says, “From the beginning, we’ve
driven customers to KuhlmanCompany.com, our
Web site. We collect complete data on each
store’s customers and send out a weekly
e-mail blast to over 30,000 opt-in
addresses. We have an incredible percentage
of these e-mails opened, which drives people
to stores for special events, and to our
site, which gets over 1.5 million hits per
month.” Web orders are extracted from the
Web site servers; purchased items are
located using Microsoft Retail Management
System, and then shipped from the
appropriate store(s).
“With a growing retail chain,” observes
Kuhlman, “you never know what piece of
information—or capability—you’ll need a year
from now. Microsoft Retail Management System
and Great Plains ensure that, when we
challenge the system a year from now, the
answer won’t be, ‘Sorry, the system can’t do
that.’ Today, I always hear, ‘Yes, the
system already does that,’ or ‘We need to
write a report. Give me a couple of hours.’”
Kuhlman reports, “Our farthest-reaching
benefit is having accurate data, sliced the
way we want it, at a moment’s notice. Very
few retailers our size can do what we do. I
expect the Microsoft solution will pay for
itself in the first year. Just the staff
hours it saves will do that.
“We have tighter knowledge on where
inventory is. We know what’s in the delivery
queue, in the warehouse, in transit, and at
what store. Everyone uses the system, from
warehousing, to store staff, to corporate.
Managers know what they have, what they can
get, how fast, and from where. We see and
solve problems and bottlenecks immediately.
We better understand our purchasing and
shrinkage, and we’re saving employee hours
and steps in stores and at corporate
headquarters too.
“Each store links to Microsoft Retail
Management System Headquarters hourly so we
always know what’s going on in any store or
region, at any given time. The reports let
us see sales almost any way we want them.
Then our point-of-sale data integrates into
Great Plains, and we can do ad hoc
reporting, at any level, in the [Microsoft]
SQL Server™ database.”
Gangelhoff adds, “Now we create the reports
we need to run our business expeditiously.
We’re no longer pasting spreadsheets
together, trying to catch up with changing
Puegner says, “Having a nationwide Microsoft
Retail Management System network helped
greatly with inventory and assets control.
We like and use its standard reports, but we
love the way our partner has customized
reports specific to this company’s business
By networking merchandise as one mass
inventory, and customers as one large
database—although both sets reside
throughout the country—Kuhlman staff win
sales and goodwill.
Kuhlman explains, “If a customer in the
Galleria in Edina (Minnesota) wants five
items, but Edina only has three in her size,
the associate checks Microsoft Retail
Management System to find others. If the
customer agrees, we ring up the entire sale,
get the customer’s name and address, and
request the other store to mail the
remaining items. We pay shipping, but we
make the sale at full price.”
Puegner elaborates, “Treating all customers
as global, not one store’s property, lets a
New York customer find sizes and alterations
when they’re vacationing and stop into our
Miami store.”
Puegner says that end-of-day reports in
stores now automatically include sales
figures and inventory levels, which once
required separate nightly counts. The
process once took up to 30 minutes per
store, and is now essentially a zero-time
Credit cards are integrated into Microsoft
Great Plains daily by store and amount.
Reconciliation now takes Langdon
approximately five minutes, not the hours it
used to take, “This solution eliminates
human errors, my phone calls, and all the
waiting for information. I’ve gained time to
watch management-level factors instead of
doing many tasks that were really clerical.
I spot problems before they get big and
vague because a month has passed and no one
remembers what happened.”
Each type of receivable—cash, Visa,
MasterCard, Discover, AMEX—is set up in
Microsoft Great Plains by store, eliminating
Langdon’s previous receivable account with
all the stores and receipt records, thus
greatly speeding and simplifying her work.
“It now takes an hour a month, whereas I
used to spend at least four hours on it,”
Langdon says. “Receipts with complete sales
data post to Great Plains, giving profit and
inventory levels the accuracy that we never
had before.”
Then Microsoft Great Plains posts this
information to the computer bank account
each day and Langdon adds in the odd items.
“Using the sales data we import into Great
Plains, cash accounting that once took me
days to reconcile, now takes me 10 minutes.
We can believe our general ledger like we
never could before. And we spot errors in
employees’ time cards easily, so I know
we’re paying what people should really get.
We all win.”
Langdon can now run sales reports, receipt
reports, time card, and commission reports
when she needs them and when they fit into
her priorities. “I don’t have to keep asking
for information, again saving me hours of
waiting on information, and then having to
rush to meet my deadlines.”
Puegner says, “Now we’re better able to
track inventory movement with reports that
show interstore transfers, breakdowns of
categorized sales, taxes, and special codes
for return reasons and price changes.”
Executives and staff continue to find new
ways Microsoft Retail Management System can
add value. Puegner is looking into mobile
point-of-sale devices for line-busting
(speeding transactions) and physical
inventories. Gangelhoff plans to integrate
Microsoft Great Plains construction
management features to streamline and
economize building new stores. The test
systems are now exercising new processes and
routines for Kuhlman Company credit cards
and gift cards. The CEO of Kuhlman is
confident the system will grow and adapt to
future needs.
says, “If your retail chain isn’t well
networked, you’re missing out on a lot of
efficiencies. In retail, inefficiencies
waste staff time and impact displaying the
right goods at the right price. We see the
future of our IT and accounting procedures
and reporting getting better and better."
Knowing many retailers face similar growing
pains in IT and operations, Langdon
observes, “The Microsoft Retail Management
System–Great Plains solution keeps giving
efficiencies and accuracy we’ve never had.”
Gangelhoff advises other retailers, “Check
as carefully as we did on exactly how—and
how smoothly— the IT systems on your
short-list will handle credit card sales,
gift cards, and all the things you’ll want
later to promote sales and streamline
operations. And always ask for working,
in-house demos.”
Kuhlman adds, “Like any worthwhile effort,
change is time-consuming. But once you make
the decision, you’ll see that Microsoft
Retail Management System is a crucial
enhancement to your overall retail
efficiency, in the stores and at corporate.” |